Mama @ home n RICH..


Mendidik Hati Menjadi Besi


Ahlan Wa Sahlan...Marhaba....Welcome Welcome...Namaste...Vanekem...Sawadikaaa....Shing shing Kuai Ler.....

Oh my oh my...kak bedah dah ade blog sendiri k...kak bedah is very happy...this blog will be my diary, my journey towards being BESI...Kenapa besi? hmmm....besi kan kuat...kata nak ini juga as my therapy...ya terapi diri kak bedah....x perlu sentap2 lagi.... 

I am a mama of 2, a prince n a princess whom I love dearly...I quit my job to be with order to nurture my children, i have to nurture myself...Being a mom is one job I do not want to's amanah from Allah which I take seriously....Yer..kite slalu ckp nak jd mak yg baik yg terbaik utk anak2 kita tp anak sepah rumah sikit kt dah sentap ( kak bedah ler tu) 

Blog ni jugak once when I am gone, my children can read it later just to let them know that I love them dearly....Maybe while raising them up I mistreated imperfect of this blog will clear their doubts about my shaa Allah kak bedah akan istiqamah....doakan...

Blog ni ialah celoteh seorg sahabat yg rindukan teman2 seperjuangan (all mothers are emotional n PROUD) hope my piece of mind will continuosly remind us of SYUKUR not just saying it but sometimes we do forget to be grateful....

yg paling x menahan ialah crita crita benar kak bedah ttg shaklee....adoi yes...kak bedah x menahan jual shaklee ni sbb kak bedah ni kata nak jd stay at home mom n RICH....bukan kaya harta biarlah kaya pahala jugak....

Kak Bedah Gagah


  1. Pegang kuat2 dua benda dalam hidup. Sebenarnya ada Hadis Nabi. Kalau seronok and things turn out well, maka BERSYUKUR. Kalau susah atau kita tak dapat apa kita nak, bila diuji, maka BERSABAR. So these two, SYUKUR and SABAR should always be a constant in our life. For every incident we either SYUKUR or SABAR. We either say Alhamdulillah or La haulawala qu watailla billah.........

    1. TQ Fatimah Mohammad....truly appreciate it... ya pegang kuat-kuat, peluk ketat-ketat, kunci mulut rapat-rapat.

  2. kak bedah proud of u...rindu zaman kita blaja sama2....

    1. Proud kebenda nya Nisah...i am more proud of u....hehe
